Behind the Scenes of Turfgrass Research: An Opportunity to Grow our Partnership

You may know that Purdue University is home to one of the top turfgrass science programs in the world. What you may not know is that the Purdue Turf Program started with a push from the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation, which was organized in 1945 with a mission to support the research and education needs of golf courses in the region. The MRTF advocated with the

Dean of the College of Agriculture to add a dedicated turf scientist. Later in 1950, William (Bill) Daniel was hired by Purdue University as its first turfgrass scientist. He served in that position from 1950 to 1985 and was affectionately known as “Doc” Daniel by his students. Throughout his career, he conducted his turfgrass management research on a small, 5-acre parcel of land in Tippecanoe County. Since then, the Purdue Turf Program has grown and their research facility is now located close to campus between the two 18-hole Pete Dye designed golf courses.

In recognition of Doc Daniel’s impact, the current 30-acre turf center in West Lafayette was dedicated in 1998 in his honor. With an operational budget supported by the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation (MRTF), this center houses over 100 turfgrass research projects in any given year. The facility has over ten different turfgrass species, research plots managed as golf course putting greens, fairways, lawns, and sports fields and has provided the Purdue Turf Program an opportunity to increase its research, Extension, and teaching impact.


Opportunities for Improvement

The facility has served the turfgrass industry and the Purdue Turfgrass Program well since it was opened in 1998, but the program has grown since it first opened and changes are needed to maximize the impact of the program and the facility moving forward.

 The Purdue Turf Program in partnership with the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation has a vision to build new and innovative facilities to prepare the next generation of leaders in the turf industry. These improvements will allow the program to attract the best faculty and students, enhance research to improve golf course playing conditions and sustainability, increase teaching capacity for tomorrow’s golf course superintendents, improve facilities for continuing education, and strengthen workplace safety for its employees.  A new dual-use endowment called the “Midwest Regional Turf Foundation Enhancement Endowment” was created in December 2022 to house gifts and, ultimately, support a $2M building expansion initiative. The Midwest Regional Turf Foundation is pledging $500,000 to advance the Purdue Turf Program.






Today and I am writing to update on the status of this fundraising effort and also encourage you to get involved to help push us towards the finish line. I am encouraged to report that this effort which began about 24 months ago is gaining momentum. We now have pledges meeting 65.6% of our $2M fundraising goal. Further, we have $897,506 already “in-hand.” Not only are we making progress towards our pledge target, but we are making progress towards having $1.95M in a Purdue University account, which is a requirement before we can break ground on this project.

Consider how you can come alongside the MRTF as an individual or a company and give a gift towards this Purdue Endowment to help grow the Purdue Turf Program. Contact Aaron Patton (, 765-494-9737) if you have questions or want to connect us with potential interest in the project. Individuals interested in giving can give via this Purdue link with Indiana taxpayers getting a credit as described below.


Tax information: Indiana taxpayers may take a tax credit of half (50%) of their gift to Purdue. For a joint return, the maximum credit is $200 (based on a gift of $400 or more), and for a single return, the maximum credit is $100 (for a gift of $200 or more). The tax credit directly reduces the “bottom line” of your state income tax by reducing the amount you owe in taxes. All it takes is your gift to Purdue and one simple form: the Indiana CC-40.