The MRTF’s Executive Board Meets with Turf Program Leaders on Campus

The MRTF’s Executive board visits Purdue’s campus annually to maintain positive relationships with the Dean and Department Heads who are involved with the Turf Program at the University. In attendance were MRTF president: Devin Moyers, past presidents: Blain Poole & Brad Pugh, vice president: Phil Fischer, and treasurer: Randy Brehmer. They were joined by the Dean of the College of Agriculture: Bernie Engel, Dept. Head of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: Linda Prokopy, Dept. Head of Entomology: Cate Hill, and Dept. Head of Botany & Plant Pathology: Tesfaye Mengiste. Later, they were all joined by Kelly Delp who is the Senior Director of Development at Purdue for Life Foundation. Many topics were covered, including student recruitment and growing an educated workforce for the turf industry, fundraising plans for the W.H. Daniel Center Turf Research building expansion, and issues facing the industry. This was a very positive meeting. Collaborating and sharing ideas was invaluable and the MRTF plans to continue these annual visits for many years to come.

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