The MRTF has actively supported the turf industry since 1945 by sponsoring education and research for turf managers.
The Midwest Regional Turf Foundation (MRTF) was founded in 1945 as a non-profit 501(C)3 organization.
Our Mission
The mission of the MRTF is to support turf research and education at Purdue University for the advancement of the turfgrass industry.
Our Service/Business
- Fund turf research at Purdue University
- Support financially the W.H. Daniel Turfgrass Research and Diagnostic Center
- Sustain turf research through endowments
- Champion student scholarship and learning
- Offer regional educational and networking opportunities
- Provide opportunities for pesticide continuing certification hours (CCHs)
- Inform and engage our membership
- Recognize the service achievements and professionalism of members
- Acknowledge environmental stewardship efforts of our members
- Promote the benefits of turf
Our Values
- Giving back
- Member-focused
- Science-based solutions
- Environmental stewardship
- Professionalism
- Partnerships/collaborations
- Representation to the whole turf industry
- Excellence in our mission
- Ethical and trustworthy
The Foundation receives no government funding. It is supported by its members, private and corporate contributions, fundraising, and event registration fees. The Foundation is governed by fourteen elected board of directors and two executive officers.
To support its mission, the MRTF has gifted over $4,000,000 in the past 20 years to support turf research and education at Purdue through its endowments and annual giving from its operating budget, You can help the MRTF achieve its mission by becoming a member and by supporting its endowments. See the membership and donate tabs of our website to learn more.
The MRTF is an an active and instrumental group within the turf industry. The MRTF actively engages with the College of Agriculture at Purdue University and as a result the MRTF has a good working relationship with the University and an open and on-going dialog with the Dean of the College of Agriculture. This strong relationship has lead to improved research facilities and an increase in turf faculty members. Monies from the Foundation help support turf research in the Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Agronomy, Botany and Plant Pathology, and Entomology Departments as well as professional and student education efforts.
Each year the MRTF sponsors several educational events including our largest event, the Indiana Green Expo, which is held at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, IN. The Foundation works closely with Purdue University faculty to offer education throughout the year aimed at the wide range of topics important to the turf industry.
MRTF Strategic Plan MRTF By-Laws FORM 990