Dr. Yiwei Jiang Retires
After a 20-year career at Purdue University studying the physiology of grasses, Dr. Yiwei Jiang retired from Purdue University. This summer, he moved back to China where he can be closer to his family. He will continue to study grasses for the next several years, but now at the School of Grassland Sciences at Beijing Forestry University. You may not have been that familiar with Dr. Jiang. He did basic plant science work related to grass molecular and physiological responses to stress. This type of research is important but not always immediately applicable. His primary research goal was to better understand how grasses respond to stress. The new knowledge gained through his research can then be built upon by plant breeders to develop new cultivars and also provide new insights on how common management practices can alleviate or cause plant stress. We wish him the best in his new position.
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