The new pesticide storage building at the W. H. Daniel Turfgrass Center was donated by Meridian Hills Country Club, at the advice of Jared Weight (superintendent). Mike Dunk (Superintendent, Coyote Crossing) and Devin Moyers (Kenny Machinery) worked with Jared to arrange for the donation and subsequently move the building to its current home. Scott Reckard (Kenny Machinery) organized/coordinated with Colin Nysewande (RPM) to deliver and place the 14,000 lb building onsite at the Turf Center in early April. The pesticide storage building sits near the Structural Pesticide Training Building behind the turf center. We plan to make good use of the new addition by storing both general plot maintenance and research materials and acting as a visual aide in pesticide training events.
We want to thank all who were involved in the donation and transportation of the building. It will get lots of use!
Glenn Hardebeck and the MRTF