During the 2024 Purdue Extension Professional Development Conference held on December 4-5, 2024 in Lafayette, IN, the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists Association (PUCESA) presented their annual awards. Congratulations to the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation (MRTF) for being awarded the “Spirit of Extension” Award! Randy Brehmer, The Fort Golf Course, and Brad Pugh, The Country Club of Terre Haute, both past presidents and board members of MRTF, accepted the award on behalf of the organization. The MRTF provides vital support for Purdue Turfgrass research and education to advance the turfgrass industry in Indiana and throughout the Midwest!
The nomination information below was assembled and submitted by Dr. Doug Richmond of Purdue University, Entomology.
“Dear PUCESA Awards Committee,
On behalf of my colleagues in the Turfgrass Science Program at Purdue (Drs. Aaron Patton, Cale Bigelow, and Lee Miller), I am pleased to nominate the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation (MRTF) for the “Spirit of Extension” Award. MRTF was founded in 1945 as a non-profit organization with the mission of supporting turf research and education at Purdue University and has provided unwavering aid towards this goal over the last 79 years. We believe the MRTF, and the committed industry volunteers who make it run, truly embody the “Spirit of Extension”, and here’s why.
MRTF’s commitment to the Purdue turf program provides the backbone that supports a nationally and internationally recognized Extension program that reaches thousands of turfgrass industry stakeholders every year. Since 1996, the MRTF has given more than $4 million to support applied research and extension at Purdue, with levels exceeding $110K per annum. MRTF funds directly support turfgrass faculty programs in BTNY, ENTM, and HLA, providing for applied research that underpins impactful, science-based Extension programming for the $1.4 billion Indiana turfgrass industry. These funds also support staff, operations, and equipment at the W.H. Daniel Turfgrass Research and Diagnostic Center which serves as the hub for Purdue turfgrass research, student education, and Extension. Since 2016, the MRTF has purchased over $87K in equipment to support operations at the Daniel Center. The MRTF has been there in the past, aggressively supports the turfgrass program in the present, and is making the investments necessary to ensure future success.
The MRTF’s commitment to the Purdue turf program is forward-facing. The construction of the Daniel Center in 1996 was made possible with $120K donated by the MRTF, and the organization has summarily pledged an additional $500K to support the expansion (6,540 of new space) and modernization of this unique multi-use facility. In partnership with the MRTF, the Purdue turf program has a vision to build new and innovative facilities to support applied research and Extension efforts well into the future. The MRTF has also established several endowments (Turf Research Endowment, Turf Program Endowment, Daniel Fund, and Student Travel Endowment) in excess of $1.5 million to support our programs and prepare the next generation of industry leaders. The MRTF’s fiscal commitment to the Purdue turfgrass program is substantial, but the relationship also directly involves activities in community engagement.
Every year, each of the 16 members of the MRTF Board of Directors voluntarily donates more than 50 hours of their time in service to the Purdue turf program. Their assistance in the development, planning, and implementation of annual Extension programs such as the Indiana Green Expo (1,500 attendees), and Turf and Landscape Field Day (450 attendees) is crucial to the success of our Extension mission. The MRTF also coordinates a “Day of Service”, where members volunteer in community parks to provide infrastructure and beautify Indiana’s green spaces. This generosity of time, expertise, and resources enriches the public directly and furthers the joint mission of the MRTF and Purdue Agriculture. Service lies at the heart of the MRTF and their membership puts their backs and dollars behind this objective.
The mission of the MRTF and the University has been linked from the day the MRTF was founded and that relationship has grown stronger each year. The symbiotic relationship that has been fostered over decades has created an environment where Purdue faculty and staff work seamlessly with the MRTF to implement Extension that strengthens lives and livelihoods. The MRTF makes this possible by serving as a conduit through which the needs of the turf industry are directly articulated; driving the direction of our research and Extension to address scientific, environmental, and societal issues of mutual concern and interest. The MRTF helps us identify and solve real-world problems and we are grateful for their enduring partnership. We believe the longstanding commitment and impact of this organization and its members on our Extension programs make it an ideal candidate for the Spirit of Extension Award.”