This January, you should have received an invitation to participate in a survey that was sent to both members and non-members in our database. We wanted to learn what aspects of the MRTF you valued most and to hear your thoughts on our existing events and our ideas for new events in the future. We also wanted to know your thoughts on the prioritization of foundation funding and to hear your ideas related to member recognition. Using your feedback, the MRTF Board of Directors met in March to brainstorm goals for the future (see image on previous page).
We identified 26 specific goals to be accomplished over the course of the next three years. These goals span the three overarching areas of 1) driving new research, 2) supporting education needs, and 3) enhancing foundation health. We are finalizing details of this strategic plan now and we will be sharing our plan with you later this summer.
Aaron Patton, MRTF Executive Director