This spring I have been on sabbatical working on a few different writing projects. I’ll tell you more about them in the future as they are all still a work in progress. I have also been busy working on several papers that will be presented in 2025 at the International Turfgrass Research Society in Japan.[Read More…]
Found 62 Articles
This January, you should have received an invitation to participate in a survey that was sent to both members and non-members in our database. We wanted to learn what aspects of the MRTF you valued most and to hear your thoughts on our existing events and our ideas for new events in the future. We[Read More…]
Have you ever wondered how the MRTF operates or where your membership dues, registration income, or donation ends up? I wanted to share our FY25 budget with you and show you how your involvement in the MRTF makes a difference. The MRTF is governed by a diverse board of directors (lawn, golf, sports, distributors, etc.)[Read More…]
MRTF Sustaining Members give $200 (in addition to their regular membership fee) which helps to fund Daniel Turf Center improvements and contributes $50 towards a NEW sustaining member student scholarship. Sustaining members are also recognized at the Indiana Green Expo, Field Day, here on the MRTF Website, and at the MRTF annual meeting. In addition,[Read More…]
May is the time of year when annual bluegrass (ABG) is in full on seedhead production mode here in West Lafayette. The seedheads are unsightly and may disrupt playability in some instances. More importantly, compared to other fairway grass species as ABG populations increase the seasonal reliability of the surface becomes compromised and fungicide requirements[Read More…]
The Purdue Turf and Landscape Field Day is an annual one-day event with the objective of providing professional turf and landscape managers exposure and educational opportunities with the latest research and technical resources. Field Day features research tours, talks on current topics, and a tradeshow with over 40 exhibitors displaying equipment, turf, and landscape products.[Read More…]
Dr. Fred Whitford, Clinical Engagement Professor, Botany and Plant Pathology and Director of Purdue Pesticide Programs, is the 2024 MRTF Distinguished Service Award Winner. The MRTF Distinguished Service Award is the highest honor given by the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation. It is awarded to individuals who have given of themselves through the years for the[Read More…]
There were over 850 pre-registered attendees, including staff and speakers as well as over 340 exhibitors, and over 200 on-site registrations for the 2024 IGE bringing the total attendance to a little over 1,400! The Indiana Green Expo wishes to thank the following Sponsors who assist in alleviating some of the inherent cost of putting[Read More…]
By Mariah Cashbaugh, Ph.D. student and Dr. Lee Miller – Purdue University Turfgrass pathogens diminish the quality, aesthetics, and utility of turfgrasses. In golf courses, putting greens require careful management to maintain the pristine playing conditions demanded by players. This often involves multiple fungicide applications throughout the season to keep common pathogens under control. Pathogen[Read More…]